Past Programs

UNM has offered short-term global certificate/diplomado programs for over 20 years, with the original programs known as the Latin American Outreach programs. Programs have varied across disciplines, with emphasis in intensive English language and specialized STEM fields, and have been custom designed to meet the needs of students, faculty, administrators, or professionals from around the world. Check out some of the programs we’ve hosted over the last few years! 


Friends of Fulbright - Argentina

FoFA 2024

We welcomed the seventh iteration of the Friends of Fulbright Argentina program, sponsored by the Fulbright Commission Argentina through the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires. This year, we were proud to host five accomplished undergraduate students adding to our grand total of 88 participants from 26 universities across 17 provinces in Argentina since 2018.

Commenting about their experience taking two upper-level courses in their individual fields of study, an interdisciplinary Honors College course, three custom professional development workshops, and various cultural outings around New Mexico, they said:

  • "I learned a lot about American history, and I had the chance to discuss many interesting subjects with my colleagues."
  • "I really loved to hear the opinions of my classmates on every topic we discussed."
  • "The professors in charge were really open to talk with us and share their experiences."
  • "Learned about a lot of cultures around the world making friends. Also had the chance to get in touch with American educational system, probably applying for graduate school next year."
  • "[We lived] the American university life style as much in as out of campus."
  • "Every activity GEO organized for us was just memorable, and I took with me a lot of beautiful New Mexican landscapes."

In their program evaluations, 100% of the students said their overall experience at UNM "exceeded expectations" and that they would recommend The University of New Mexico to other students wanting to study in the U.S.

UR Inspiration/Inspiración - Spring

URI 2024

UR Inspiration/Inspiración is a fully virtual, English- and Spanish-language conference for undergraduate researchers from three major research universities, Florida International University (FIU), University of Arizona (UA), and University of New Mexico (UNM), in partnership with Fulbright Argentina. Since FIU, UA and UNM are Carnegie classified R1 (very high research activity) public institutions and designated Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), adding UR Inspiration/Inspiración to their portfolio made perfect sense. The administrative teams collaborated closely with Fulbright Argentina, which coordinated participation by Argentinian faculty and students.

The second annual conference in April 2024 featured 254 international attendees, 84 undergraduate student presentations, and 45 faculty, staff, and graduate student volunteers from Argentina and the US who evaluated the students' presentations. "The presentations were really interesting and well-prepared, and it was nice to see so many students from my university and from other places in Argentina [and the United States] presenting," commented one volunteer. Another said she hopes to “be part of it next year and get even more people ... involved.”


Institute for Community Identity & Leadership

ICIL 2024

After a brief hiatus, the Institute for Community Identity & Leadership came soaring back for its eighth iteration at UNM in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City and ANUIES. This year’s program consisted of four in-person weeks of academic and cultural programming following a four-day pre-departure orientation in Mexico City. We were thrilled to welcome 14 Mexican undergraduate students of indigenous origin to study three main content areas: indigenous identity and culture, English language, and community leadership—delivered entirely in Spanish (with the exception of the English instruction).

Students unanimously said they would recommend UNM to other students who want to study in the US and shared the following comments:

  • “Through the various experiences with people from other indigenous communities, I have felt proud of my identity.”
  • “I acquired leadership techniques which allowed me to have greater self-confidence to speak better in public.”
  • “They definitely motivated me to continue working for my community. All the teachers talked to us about not forgetting our roots and where we stand.”
  • “When I arrived at the Institute, my level of understanding of the English language was very low. Today, I consider that I understand a conversation better.”
  • “When you arrive here they welcome you with open arms, which made our experience here very enriching and pleasant.”

UR Inspiration/Inspiración - Fall

URI Fall2024


Friends of Fulbright - Argentina

FoFA 2023

UNM was delighted to host eight Argentinian participants for this highly competitive, six-week immersive academic program, sponsored by the U.S. Fulbright Commission in Argentina. This cohort represented four Argentinian provinces and 7 different universities. In addition to taking two upper division courses in their chosen field of study, an interdisciplinary course through the UNM Honors College, and various professional development workshops, they were introduced to the culture and sites of New Mexico.

In their program evaluations, 100% of the students said their overall experience at UNM "exceeded expectations" and that they would recommend The University of New Mexico to other students wanting to study in the U.S. Here's what else they had to say:

  • "I had an amazing experience with my professors. They not only were excellent in teaching but also, they were always very eager to help and they made me feel really comfortable in class."
  • "The professors were amazing, and the class format was really good ... I can't think of any way the classes I took at UNM could be improved."
  • Awesome experience! Enjoyed moving out of my comfort zone. Class debates were super interesting and everyone was provided the chance to participate and share their opinions."
  • "Not only I’ve learned valuable things regarding my field of study, but I also had a lot of fun with my classes and made great friends."
  • The recreational activities allowed me to experience things I had never done before. Workshops were really useful, too."
  • "This program was amazing, and it was good to know you were there if we needed anything 24/7."
  • "It was a life-changing experience, I am now convinced I want to come to school here ... I wouldn't change a thing about the program."

Institute for Young Leaders: Leading Peace Through Policymaking

YL 2023 Embassy

The Global Education Office welcomed 20 Argentine professionals for its inaugural Institute for Young Leaders, sponsored by Friends of Fulbright Argentina, June 3-29, 2023. The program, “Leading Peace Through Policymaking,” included three weeks of academic programming at UNM focused on political leadership and U.S. domestic and foreign policy, followed by four full program daysin Washington, DC. The program provided participants with the opportunity to explore how leadership strategies and U.S. domestic and foreign policymaking can be used to solve global challenges.

At the end of their immersive experience in New Mexico, 100% of the students said they would recommend The University of New Mexico to others who wish to study in the U.S.

Peace Engineering Symposium

PENG Symposium 2023

Sponsored by The University of New Mexico, USA and Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina, this innovative, multi-national 3-day virtual event was held June 20-22, 2023 featuring cutting-edge speakers and forward-thinking discussions of Peace Engineering policies in action. 

An impressive slate of distinguished speakers explored Peace Engineering as a transdisciplinary pathway and mindset that addresses practical applications of leading peace through policymaking around key global challenges including climate change & sustainability; justice, equity, accessibility, diversity & inclusion (JEADI); and health-in-all policies. Faculty and students joined in person and online to learn how they can help create a world where prosperity, sustainability, security, transparency and a culture of equity and quality thrive.

Hungarian University of Sports Science: Teaching Excellence

HUSS 2023 White Sands Horiz

The Global Education Office was pleased to host the fourth iteration of a "Teaching Excellence" program for faculty and staff of the Hungarian University of Sports Science (HUSS) in Budapest, Hungary.

The hybrid program consisted of a virtual week June 5-9 that focused on customized English instruction, followed by two in-person weeks June 16-30 when participants engaged in additional English instruction, pedagogical workshops, professional networking, and excursions throughout New Mexico.

Young Women in STEM

2023 Young Women in STEM

We were pleased to offer this virtual  program in conjunction with  Esquina Franklin Guadalajara, a space dedicated to the promotion of education and American culture by the U.S. Consulate General Guadalajara and the University of Guadalajara.  The purpose of the workshop was to engage, empower, and inspire high school senior girls in and around Guadalajara to pursue a career in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), thus contributing to the development of a more diverse STEM workforce in Mexico. In a series of three 2-hour virtual workshops over three days, this program introduced high school girls to the broad field of STEM, exposed them to successful women currently working in STEM, and identified opportunities for future STEM study and employment. 


Developing Resilient Communities & Workforce Capacity in the 'Hot Deserts' of North America 2022


Working together to address social and environmental concerns across a shared geo-political border, The University of New Mexico, Universidad de Sonora (UNISON) and Instituto Tecnológico de Hermosillo (ITH) in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico co-sponsored this week-long program with the generous support of the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund. Faculty and students from the two Mexican institutions joined UNM students and faculty from the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering to address critical social problems within our region in the areas of sustainable built and natural environments. The visitors expressed their appreciation for UNM and the Global Education Office as follows:

  • “I could not imagine a better way to organize a trip and make us feel welcome. Thanks a lot for everything.”
  • Networking is undoubtedly one of the best things about the program, I met such beautiful people with such interesting jobs.”
  • Most memorable were “the people, the problems to be solved, the state-of-the-art technology, and the diversity of backgrounds and cultures fighting to find the answers.”

Institute for Community Identity & Leadership


The Institute for Community Identity & Leadership is a very successful, highly regarded summer program for indigenous Mexican undergraduates proudly sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, ANUIES – the association of higher education institutions in Mexico – and The University of New Mexico.

UNM has been competitively selected as a host institution of this innovative program for the past several years. The goal of the program (which is delivered entirely in Spanish) is to introduce indigenous students to models of community leadership through sessions focused on community and/or cultural identity and its role in the development of community leaders.

This year we were pleased to welcome 17 indigenous students from Mexico for a two-week virtual program, who were joined by an additional 12 Mexican student leaders for our two-week in-person program July 17-30.

Friends of Fulbright - Argentina

FOF Elena Gallegos 

The Global Education Office (GEO) welcomed a cohort of 10 high-achieving students from Argentina for six weeks during January and February 2022 as part of the Friends of Fulbright (FoF) Undergraduate Student Exchange program.  

The program is designed to enhance students’ command of the English language in immersive academic and informal settings, integrate them into campus communities to forge connections and relationships with UNM students and faculty, introduce aspects of Southwestern United States culture, and assist participants in the preparation for graduate study potentially at UNM. UNM and FoF have a relationship related to this program dating back to 2018 and have witnessed many positive outcomes from previous years.  

In their evaluation of the program, 100% of students said their overall experience at UNM exceeded their expectations, and they would recommend UNM to other students wanting to study in the U.S. The following comments further attest to the success of this unique program.  

  • “The Earth and Planetary Science Department is just amazing. The professors are incredible scientists and classes are great. I’m speechless, my academic experience was beyond awesome.” 
  • “Definitely reading The Odyssey in English was a whole different level of challenge! It encouraged me to think outside the box.” 
  • “Everyone at GEO did an excellent job with this, they made us feel like we were home. We can’t thank them enough.” 
  • “Cultural exchange was amazing, and I learned a lot in my field of study. The program is the best.” 


Friends of Fulbright Argentina Virtual Exchange Program


In collaboration with the US-Argentina Fulbright Commission, UNM hosted 10 undergraduate Fulbright students in its first-ever virtual education mobility program with the UNM Honors College: Introduction to U.S. Interdisciplinary Thought and U.S. Higher Education. Students “Zoomed” into their Honors courses from Argentina for the first six weeks of the spring 2021 semester and attended a number of workshops on graduate study preparation. This pilot program allowed Fulbright participants to enhance their cross-cultural communication skills and understanding, while forging connections and relationships with UNM students and faculty even during a pandemic! 

Friends of Fulbright Colombia Higher Education Internationalization Institute

FOF Colombia HEI

The Global Education Office (GEO) hosted the Friends of Fulbright Colombia Higher Education Internationalization Institute for working professionals (faculty and faculty administrators).   

Utilizing the latest international education industry-best practices and research, participants were exposed to the most salient topics for comprehensive internationalization, with specific emphasis on the skills needed to transition out-of-the-classroom into a greater role in institutional global engagement. The virtual, synchronous program was conducted in Spanish and consisted of approximately 3 hours per week over a four-week period in 2021. Content included topics such as Emerging Trends in International Education; Agility & Transformation: Introduction to the Entrepreneurial Mindset; Language & Culture in Academia; Mobility: Academic, Research, and Service; and Fundraising for International Education. 

Innovation Academy for Women of the Americas

The Academy Photo

The 2021 Academy – Women, Climate, & Power -- went virtual with a four-week online educational program for 45 female undergraduate students from the Americas enrolled in the innovation fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Architecture (STEM+A). Students designed their own projects in teams, conducted qualitative investigations, and proposed critical solutions to world issues to industry professionals. The 2021 Academy, the fourth iteration, was a joint collaboration between The University of New Mexico, the Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui in Querétaro, México, and the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano in Medellin, Colombia.

Institute for Community Identity & Leadership

2021 Institute

Since the summer of 2015, The Institute for Community Identity & Leadership has been providing high-impact transformative leadership content to students from indigenous communities in Mexico. The program encourages students to engage in public service, especially within their own communities. In line with the U.S. Embassy’s mobility goals, the 2021 edition was framed around the concept of “Indigenous Abroad,” which introduced them to the United States and American culture, academic English, and tools to prepare them for future study abroad in the U.S. This year’s program hosted 15 students from 9 indigenous communities in 7 states.

Instituto Politécnico Nacional - English+ Engineering for Career Readiness

IPN 2021

The University of New Mexico, in partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, hosted a virtual intensive-English language training programwith emphasis on engineering terminology, for 12 undergraduate and graduate students from Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN). The students also worked on career readiness and enhancing the understanding of graduate-level engineering concepts and project management methods. The UNM School of Engineering is the highest-ranked engineering program in New Mexico and the only Carnegie R1 (highest research activity) university in the state. 

University of Physical Education Intensive Junior Faculty Virtual Exchange


A shift from our first two cohorts from an in-person exchange to an online, virtual format, UNM hosted its third cohort of faculty from the University of Physical Education (UPE) in Budapest, Hungary, featuring the Content & Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) method for teaching courses in English and sports science enhancement. This 3-week program introduced balanced academic and practical approaches to developing courses and teaching sports science in the areas of administration, management, and leadership.


Friends of Fulbright – Argentina


Focused on science, technology, engineering, mathematics, international business, architecture and programs for high-achieving and gifted students, The University of New Mexico and the US-Argentina Fulbright Commission created an innovative program which introduces participating students to a variety of transformative learning experiences with integration into UNM’s student and faculty communities. Students participated in 2 upper-division or graduate-level courses in their field of study, 1 course in interdisciplinary critical analysis for advanced learners, and a number of workshops on graduate study preparation. Through this program, Fulbright participants were able to enhance their cross-cultural communication skills and understanding while forging connections and relationships with UNM students and faculty.

High-Impact Professional Training for Teaching English in Vocational Settings


The Center for English Language and American Culture (CELAC) conducted an 8-week virtual teacher training program for 60 teachers from all over Colombia. Focused on teaching English for students of vocational or technical trades, CELAC introduced the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology and demonstrated how CLIL proves to be a highly effective way for students to learn English while simultaneously learning the content of a particular academic or professional area. The program was sponsored by Fulbright Colombia and the National Training Service of Colombia, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA), to strengthen bilingualism in Colombia and enable its students to be more competitive in the job market.

Innovation Academy for Women of the Americas


The Academy supports the advancement of underrepresented/minority women in the Americas including indigenous women in the innovation fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Architecture (STEM+A). Through accelerated research skills development, leadership enhancement, and ongoing mentorship and support, the program aims to increase the number of women in leadership positions within the STEM+A disciplines. Women in the Americas have valuable perspectives to contribute to these disciplines, and The Academy strives to develop the talents and leadership skills of undergraduate women for their long-term success, advance research across the continent, and ignite transformative social change.   

US Embassy Indigenous Resilience Program: Juntos ante la pandemia: juventud indígena y afrodescendiente en acción


The University of New Mexico, in collaboration with the US Embassy in Mexico, Universidad de las Americas Puebla (UDLAP), The University of Arizona Latin American Studies College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, the Institute for Training and Development (ITD), Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México Centro de Estudios sobre Seguridad, Inteligencia y Gobernanza (ITAM CESIG), and Stanford Center for Latin American Studies, held a first-of-its-kind, week-long virtual seminar designed for 121 indigenous and afro-descendant student leaders from Mexico and across the Americas. Participants worked together to share ideas and write resolutions to bring about change in their communities, nations, and the planet in the framework of 7 Generations. Their resolutions were sent to policymakers in Mexico to create a better place for the future.

University of Physical Education Complex Education Language and Intercultural Immersion for Junior Faculty

Faculty members from the University of Physical Education (UPE) in Hungary, one of the oldest, most successful and professionally acclaimed universities for education and sports science in Central Europe, visited The University of New Mexico for 3 weeks, meeting with faculty and staff from UNM’s Department of Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences to learn about its physical education programs and to exchange ideas on teaching techniques. HESS offers programs in athletic training, exercise science, health education/promotion, physical education teacher education, and sports administration. UNM’s Sports Administration Program is one of only four in the nation that offers doctoral studies and is also accredited by the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). 


Friends of Fulbright – Argentina

Focused on science, technology, engineering, mathematics, international business, architecture and programs for high-achieving and gifted students, The University of New Mexico and the US-Argentina Fulbright Commission created an innovative program which introduces participating students to a variety of transformative learning experiences with integration into UNM’s student and faculty communities. Students participated in 2 upper-division or graduate-level courses in their field of study, 1 course in interdisciplinary critical analysis for advanced learners, and a number of workshops on graduate study preparation. Through this program, Fulbright participants were able to enhance their cross-cultural communication skills and understanding while forging connections and relationships with UNM students and faculty. 

Developing Resilient Communities & Workforce Capacity in the ‘Hot Deserts’ of North America - Instituto Tecnológico de Hermosillo & Universidad de Sonora


Funded by a 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund grant, sponsored by the US Department of State, the ExxonMobil Corporation, and NAFSA: Association of International Educators, The University of New Mexico, Universidad de Sonora, and Instituto Tecnológico de Hermosillo were able to participate in academic exchange opportunities toward “Developing Resilient Communities & Workforce Capacity in the ‘Hot Deserts’ of North America.” These civil and environmental engineering students from Sonora, Mexico, together with students from UNM’s School of Engineering, worked in teams to conduct research to address social and environmental concerns across the “hot deserts” of North America, which are composed of the Sonoran, Chihuahuan, and Mojave deserts. This cross-cultural knowledge sharing allowed the participants to address critical social problems within our region in the areas of sustainable built and natural environments.

Institute for Community Identity & Leadership


The Institute is dedicated to the strengthening of the identity and leadership of people in indigenous communities around the world. It focuses on community engagement of individuals in order to provide local citizens the opportunity to participate in activities leading to community leadership. By providing workshops that focus on developing skills in communications, place, identity, and representation, participants become experts in establishing themselves as leaders in their communities for their people. This program is offered in either Spanish or English.

Instituto Politécnico Nacional - English & Engineering

The University of New Mexico, in partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, hosted an intensive-English language training program, with emphasis on engineering terminology, for 15 undergraduate students from Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN). The students worked with UNM’s School of Engineering on project management and research methods and participated in high-impact, graduate-level workshops. The UNM School of Engineering is the highest-ranked engineering program in New Mexico and the only Carnegie R1 (highest research activity) university in the state. 

Universidad Nacional de Rosario Cooperative Program in Advanced Simulation Faculty Development


Argentine health professionals from Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), the second-largest medical school in Argentina, teamed up with The University of New Mexico’s Health Sciences Center to learn about simulation training through UNM’s Basic Advance Trauma Computer Assisted Virtual Experience (BATCAVE). The BATCAVE is a state-of-the-art simulation program offering the ability to run customized medical training scenarios. Much of the training focuses on the educational and psychological aspects of simulation education, allowing students to experience operating under extreme pressure and anxiety, which comes in handy in real-life situations as memory and training kick in. The UNR team came to UNM to not only learn from its simulation lab but ultimately share this educational training with others in their country. 

University of Physical Education Complex Education Language and Intercultural Immersion for Junior Faculty


Faculty members from the University of Physical Education (UPE) in Hungary, one of the oldest, most successful and professionally acclaimed universities for education and sports science in Central Europe, visited The University of New Mexico for 3 weeks, meeting with faculty and staff from UNM’s Department of Health, Exercise and Sports Sciences to learn about its physical education programs and to exchange ideas on teaching techniques. HESS offers programs in athletic training, exercise science, health education/promotion, physical education teacher education, and sports administration. UNM’s Sports Administration Program is one of only four in the nation that offers doctoral studies and is also accredited by the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). 


Beijing Institute of Technology & Dongguan University of Technology - Summer Camp


UNM’s Anderson School of Management and The Center for English Language & American Culture welcomed 54 students from China -- 40 from Beijing Institute of Technology Zhuhai and 14 from Dongguan University of Technology --  for a 4-week summer program with courses in Introduction to Management, Introduction to Marketing, and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) preparation. The Anderson School of Management is a world-class business school with award-winning faculty and programs, offering a wide array of degree programs. It is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International and is one of the few programs in the world to attain both an Accounting and Business Accreditation from AACSB.

COMEXUS Undergraduate Summer Science Research Opportunity Program

Through scholarships provided by the US-Mexico Commission for Educational & Cultural Exchange (COMEXUS), the research opportunity programs at The University of New Mexico allows undergraduate students from various institutions in Mexico to conduct research with UNM faculty and graduate assistants in STEM fields, as well as Business Management and Architecture. The programs also include a Graduate Record Examination (GRE) preparation course. Students develop and improve not only their academic and English skills but also gain valuable experience in research techniques and methodologies while learning about the American educational system and culture.  

Friends of Fulbright – Argentina

Focused on science, technology, engineering, mathematics, international business, architecture and programs for high-achieving and gifted students, The University of New Mexico and the US-Argentina Fulbright Commission created an innovative program which introduces participating students to a variety of transformative learning experiences with integration into UNM’s student and faculty communities. Students participated in 2 upper-division or graduate-level courses in their field of study, 1 course in interdisciplinary critical analysis for advanced learners, and a number of workshops on graduate study preparation. Through this program, Fulbright participants were able to enhance their cross-cultural communication skills and understanding while forging connections and relationships with UNM students and faculty. 

Institute for Community Identity & Leadership


The Institute is dedicated to the strengthening of the identity and leadership of people in indigenous communities around the world. It focuses on community engagement of individuals in order to provide local citizens the opportunity to participate in activities leading to community leadership. By providing workshops that focus on developing skills in communications, place, identity, and representation, participants become experts in establishing themselves as leaders in their communities for their people. This program is offered in either Spanish or English and is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Mexico City and ANUIES (Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior – The National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions). 


Mandic School of Medicine - Community Health Certificate Program

A partnership with São Leopoldo Mandic School in Brazil (SLMANDIC) and UNM Office for Community Health introduced a program to bring students from SLMANDIC to UNM to learn about its medicine course and experience, first-hand, the work done by family and community doctors in New Mexico. The first student to participate in this experience was Ana Luiza Drumond de Freitas, accompanied by Dr. Giuliano Dimarzio, professor and coordinator of the Primary Health Care (PHC) disciplines at SLMANDIC. During their stay, they experienced clinical care in PHC units, dialogued exhibitions, classes, community activities for education and health promotion, seminars, and courses mediated by telecommunication tools. Nunes Drumond de Freitas says that getting to know UNM “was a unique and very aggrandizing experience, as a medical student and as a person, and this will have a great impact on my professional life. I have always been interested in knowing the reality of medicine, of students and doctors in the United States, and I have always wanted to practice my English in the medical field because I think this is essential in my profession.”  (Photo from SLMANDIC Article.)

Sonora Higher Education Institution - International Education Collaborations with U.S.A. Higher Education Institutions

UNM’s Global Education Office, in collaboration with the Sonora Higher Education Institution (Sonora HEI), brought together 13 professionals from Mexico to introduce them to international education practices used at US higher education institutions. In four days, they covered topics that ranged from Internationalization in the USA and Education Financial Models to USA University Admissions Standards & Practices and the Role of Community Colleges in Higher Education. Representatives came from Centro Regional de Formación Profesional Docente de Sonora, Instituto Tecnológico de Hermosillo, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Cananea, Secretaría de Educación y Cultura, Universidad de Sonora, Universidad Tecnológica de Guaymas, Universidad Tecnológica de Hermosillo, Universidad Tecnológica de San Luis Río Colorado, and Universidad Unilíder. 

Universidad Nacional de la Plata - Smart Grids & Renewable Energy: U.S.-Argentina Innovation & Workforce Development


The University of New Mexico and La Universidad Nacional de la Plata (UNLP) in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina brought together underrepresented undergraduate students in the electrical and computer engineering fields to focus on smart grid technology and renewable energy, with an emphasis in lithium battery innovation. By focusing on advancing undergraduate research capacity and stimulating entrepreneurial leadership skills in the global marketplace, UNM and UNLP are developing a platform to increase the preparedness of new professionals as they enter the workforce. Graduates with these additional skills and abilities offer competitive advantages to the companies and organizations looking for new ideas and resources to scale-up and commercialize smart grid, renewable energy innovations. UNLP students attending this 2-week program had the opportunity to attend the 2018 WEEF-GEDC (World Engineering Education Forum-Global Engineering Deans Council) Conference, the largest engineering education gathering in the world. 

Universidad Nacional de Rosario Cooperative Program in Advanced Simulation Faculty Development


Argentine health professionals from Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), the second-largest medical school in Argentina, teamed up with The University of New Mexico’s Health Sciences Center to learn about simulation training through UNM’s Basic Advance Trauma Computer Assisted Virtual Experience (BATCAVE). The BATCAVE is a state-of-the-art simulation program offering the ability to run customized medical training scenarios. Much of the training focuses on the educational and psychological aspects of simulation education, allowing students to experience operating under extreme pressure and anxiety which comes in handy in real-life situations as memory and training kick in. The UNR team came to UNM to not only learn from its simulation lab but ultimately share this educational training with others in their country. 


COMEXUS International Mobility Scholarship Program

The International Mobility Scholarship Program was designed for Mexican teachers of English. UNM's Center for English Language and American Culture (CELAC) and Latin American Programs in Education (LAPE) collaborated to deliver academic content for the program. The courses had three main objectives: to improve the participants oral and written abilities in professional English, to provide the participants with recent pedagogical practices in the field of English as an additional language, and introduce the participants to technological tools that support the teaching and learning of English so they can implement these practices in their classrooms. In addition to the academic content, the program participants attended custom-designed cultural events to be sources of information and inspiration for the development of the participants’ future lesson plans. This program is sponsored by COMEXUS: Becas Fulbright-Garcia Robles Scholarship

Communications Society Summer School

The IEEE ComSoc Summer School is designed for young professionals, Ph.D. students, or recent graduates studying communications and related areas. It consists of lectures by international experts and includes poster presentations, site visits, and hands-on demos. The program covers fundamental, advanced, and hot topics in communications. 

Innovation Academy for Women of the Americas



The Academy supports the advancement of underrepresented/minority women in the Americas including indigenous women in the innovation fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Architecture (STEM+A). Through accelerated research skills development, leadership enhancement, and ongoing mentorship and support, the program aims to increase the number of women in leadership positions within the STEM+A disciplines. Women in the Americas have valuable perspectives to contribute to these disciplines, and The Academy strives to develop the talents and leadership skills of undergraduate women for their long-term success, advance research across the continent, and ignite transformative social change.   

Institute for Community Identity & Leadership

The Institute is dedicated to the strengthening of the identity and leadership of people in indigenous communities around the world. It focuses on community engagement of individuals in order to provide local citizens the opportunity to participate in activities leading to community leadership. By providing workshops that focus on developing skills in communications, place, identity, and representation, participants become experts in establishing themselves as leaders in their communities for their people. This program is offered in either Spanish or English and is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Mexico City and ANUIES (Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior – The National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions). 


Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI)

The University of New Mexico was among 40 universities selected by the U.S. Department of State to host elite young African leaders as part of the prestigious Mandela Washington Fellowship. Led by UNM’s Sustainability Studies Program, this six-week summer institute brought together 25 African leaders with New Mexico’s local business leaders, investors, cultural leaders, artists, agrarians, and others interested in the tremendous opportunities in Africa to focus on leadership development and cultural exchange.


Enrichment Program for Indigenous Women


The University of New Mexico put together a 4-week program for indigenous women from Mexico focusing on the acquisition and strengthening of the English language and learning about the similarities and differences between indigenous communities of Mexico and New Mexico. The women met with leaders of Native American tribes in New Mexico which allowed them to gain insight toward obtaining a platform for research and communication between indigenous people in the Americas.

Innovation Academy for Women of the Americas

The Academy supports the advancement of underrepresented/minority women in the Americas including indigenous women in the innovation fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Architecture (STEM+A). Through accelerated research skills development, leadership enhancement, and ongoing mentorship and support, the program aims to increase the number of women in leadership positions within the STEM+A disciplines. Women in the Americas have valuable perspectives to contribute to these disciplines, and The Academy strives to develop the talents and leadership skills of undergraduate women for their long-term success, advance research across the continent, and ignite transformative social change.  

Institute for Community Identity & Leadership


The Institute is dedicated to the strengthening of the identity and leadership of people in indigenous communities around the world. It focuses on community engagement of individuals in order to provide local citizens the opportunity to participate in activities leading to community leadership. By providing workshops that focus on developing skills in communications, place, identity, and representation, participants become experts in establishing themselves as leaders in their communities for their people. This program is offered in either Spanish or English and is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Mexico City and ANUIES (Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior – The National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions).


Cinematics Program


New Mexico is home to "Hollywood in the Desert," famous for its unique light and landscape. Albuquerque itself has been designated as the best place for filmmakers to live and work by Moviemaker magazine. The University of New Mexico features an interdisciplinary Film and Digital Arts program with state-of-the-art facilities, technology, and award-winning faculty with experience in production and screenwriting. Participants are exposed to cutting-edge practices and work with faculty to enhance their skills in digital media, screenwriting, or photography.

COMEXUS International Research Opportunity Program


Through scholarships provided by the US-Mexico Commission for Educational & Cultural Exchange (COMEXUS), the research opportunity programs at The University of New Mexico allows undergraduate students from various institutions in Mexico to conduct research with UNM faculty and graduate assistants in STEM fields, as well as Business Management and Architecture. The programs also include a Graduate Record Examination (GRE) preparation course. Students develop and improve not only their academic and English skills but also gain valuable experience in research techniques and methodologies while learning about the American educational system and culture.  


CONACYT Engineering Research


UNM’s School of Engineering welcomed 10 Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (the National Council of Science and Technology or CONACYT) recipients from the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Tantoyuca in Veracruz to work on their research projects using the school’s facilities. Spearheaded by UNM’s Associate Dean of Engineering for International Programs, these engineering students were able to learn and apply the tools and methodologies used at UNM for teaching and research.CONACYT is Mexico's entity in charge of the promotion of scientific and technological activities, setting government policies for these matters, and granting scholarships for postgraduate studies. 


Enrichment Program for Indigenous Women


The University of New Mexico put together a 4-week program for indigenous women from Mexico focusing on the acquisition and strengthening of the English language and learning about the similarities and differences between indigenous communities of Mexico and New Mexico. The women met with leaders of Native American tribes in New Mexico which allowed them to gain insight toward obtaining a platform for research and communication between indigenous people in the Americas.

Institute for Community Identity & Leadership


The Institute is dedicated to the strengthening of the identity and leadership of people in indigenous communities around the world. It focuses on community engagement of individuals in order to provide local citizens the opportunity to participate in activities leading to community leadership. By providing workshops that focus on developing skills in communications, place, identity, and representation, participants become experts in establishing themselves as leaders in their communities for their people. This program is offered in either Spanish or English and is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Mexico City and ANUIES (Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior – The National Association of Universities and Higher Education Institutions).